This popular home remedy have served the lives of local and overseas consumers in its health benefits in adequate weight loss and health treatments. Apple cider is high in acetic acid which contains interesting biological effects but what is it really ? 😎

It goes through a two sided process similar to that of alcohol, in this case ; apples are crushed and are exposed to "yeast" sounds familiar right ?😷😞 Yes it is exposed to bacteria which is then converted into acetic acid which is the main active compound of vinegar. Vinegar is a French word for "Sour Wine" 😦

What are some of the benefits though ?
1.)Apple cider can kill bacteria such as pathogens etc. It is traditionally used for cleaning and treating fungus , lice and ear infections. 🙌🙆

2.) It lowers blood sugar level , this is fairly successful for people with type two  diabetes. It improves insulin and blood sugar levels. 2 teaspoons of apple coder before bed can reduce fasting blood sugars by 4% 😪

3.) Helps you to loose weight by making you feel fat


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