Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton , who really won the third and final debate?

After analyzing each candidates presentation on each topic , Economy , Debt etc as usual we see Donal Trump trying to dodge questions or generally never answers anything the moderator Chris , asked. Donald Trump is determined and is confident that his plans may bring the country forward as he will lower taxes so that more business maybe be able to hire and increase the employment rate which in its total sense .....makes no sense and may rather bring the country in another economic crisis. On the other hand Hillary Clinton makes us understand clearly her point of view of the countries problems and how to maneuver them by simply investing in people which then creates jobs and decrease the debt rate. Hillary Clinton is seriously determined that her plans will not increase the debt by a penny and as such strengthen America's allies etc.

Donald Trump never seems to forget that he has been in recent findings things has basically tarnished  his campaign and as a result many of his supporters have now turned away from him. Non the less it seems as if nothing bothers Donald Trump , with that said if something of that general seriousness doesn't bothers him then what will he do or say to the country if the country should come under serious attack ?.

Hillary Clinton is not only a few moments away from make world history as a female president and representing women's wish of a woman president she is deemed to be a world changer. As the elections draws closer both Secretary Clinton and Donald Trump now focuses on the states in particular in which the high votes should be coming or where the "winning majority" may result from.

More on this developing story
Next news update : Scandals in the Voting Systems in the United States.


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